Traditional waltz
PDF: Wood farmhand waltz
Gypsy march. An effective march, beginning with a main ...
PDF: Maxglaner Zigeunermarsch - Maxglan Gypsy March
Gypsy march. An effective march, beginning with a main ...
PDF: Maxglaner Zigeunermarsch - Maxglan Gypsy March
Pinzgauer Tanzl
PDF: Eisschützen Polka
Folk tune for driving cattle from alpine summer pastures. ...
PDF: Fahr ma hoam - Let's go home
Folk song
PDF: Turner auf zum Streite - Gymnast to the contest
Traditional Polka from the Pongau which was newly arranged ...
PDF: Hansi-Polka - Hansi Polka
Leisurely Pongau waltz especially suitable for dance ...
PDF: Pongauer Bauernwalzer - Pongau Farmers' Waltz
Lively polka with flugelhorn tenor solo. It premiered in ...
PDF: Scheas Bleamei - Nice flower
Fresh polka with a solo in the trio for flugelhorn and tenor
PDF: Trau Di nur - Just dare
Which accordion player doesn't know this piece? With a few ...
PDF: Polka-Franzee
Contemporary music. Was composed with the 12 tone technique
PDF: Streik der Studenten - Strike of the students
The Anda Tune was dedicated to the trumpeter of the Vienna ...
PDF: Anda-Weis - Übers Loatal - Anda Aria - Above the Loatal Valley
For the consecration of the votive chapel of the new ...
PDF: Locus iste
No organ at hand? In this arrangement, the trumpet is ...
PDF: Ave Maria (Hail Mary)