Als August in die Berge ging - When August went into the mountains
[1-11] One day August decides to go into the ...
PDF: Als August in die Berge ging - When August went into the mountains
Fughetta für Blechbläser - Fughetts for brass players
For the dux the composer's name was used: H A Fn Er G Er H ...
PDF: Fughetta für Blechbläser - Fughetts for brass players
Kleine Fuge in B für 5 Blechbläser - Little fugue in B for 5 brass players
For the dux the composer's name was used: H A Fn Er G Er H ...
PDF: Kleine Fuge in B für 5 Blechbläser - Little fugue in B for 5 brass players
Welke Blumen - Konzertwalzer - Wilted Flowers Concert Waltz
Chrysanthemums are herbaceous perennial flower plants. The ...
PDF: Welke Blumen - Konzertwalzer - Wilted Flowers Concert Waltz
Volksweisen - Folk Tunes
Hoch übern Berglschlag (High above the rock burst); Und mei ...
PDF: Volksweisen - Folk Tunes
Lebenszyklus eines langen Rohres - Life cycle of a long pipe
*Attempt * Hunters' groove * Presentations. ...
PDF: Lebenszyklus eines langen Rohres - Life cycle of a long pipe
Hunting horn - a miss
Hunting horn for 4 horns
PDF: Hunting horn - a miss
Music for the Royal Fireworks
For the English king, Georg Friedrich Händel wrote numerous ...
PDF: Music for the Royal Fireworks
Lang, lang ists her
Concert march
The march includes several topics that blend ...
PDF: Lang, lang ists her
The Water Cycle
Half minute waltz
Water springs are the origin of our ...
PDF: The Water Cycle
Das Mädchen mit dem Flachshaar - The yellow-haired girl
Solo for flugelhorn or trumpet and concert band
PDF: Das Mädchen mit dem Flachshaar - The yellow-haired girl
Festliche Bläsermusik - Festive music for wind instruments
Johann Pezel definitely belongs to the best known composers ...
PDF: Festliche Bläsermusik - Festive music for wind instruments
Ave Maria (Hail Mary)
No organ at hand? In this arrangement, the trumpet is ...
PDF: Ave Maria (Hail Mary)
6 Choräle - Six Chorales
These chorales were created to provide the music for church ...
PDF: 6 Choräle - Six Chorales