Pongau-Fanfare - Pongau Fanfare
Festive fanfare dedicated to the Administrative District ...
PDF: Pongau-Fanfare - Pongau Fanfare
Pongau-Fanfare - Pongau Fanfare
Festive fanfare dedicated to the Administrative District ...
PDF: Pongau-Fanfare - Pongau Fanfare
Maria Stuart - Mary Stuart
Mary Stuart (1542-1568) was of Scottish descent and was ...
PDF: Maria Stuart - Mary Stuart
Great God - Praise the Lord
2 Chorales
Great God
Praise the Lord
PDF: Great God - Praise the Lord
Promenade aus 'Bilder einer Ausstellung' - Promenade from 'Pictures at an Exhibition'
In his suite Mussorgsky musically arranges ten pictures of ...
PDF: Promenade aus 'Bilder einer Ausstellung' - Promenade from 'Pictures at an Exhibition'
Intrada No.21
Johann Pezel definitely belongs to the best known composers ...
PDF: Intrada No.21
Sonate Nr.1 in C-Dur - Sonata No. 1 in D major
Solo for bass trombone or F tuba. The ensemble softly ...
PDF: Sonate Nr.1 in C-Dur - Sonata No. 1 in D major
Hymnus - Hymn
In this hymn, the tubas begin quietly, then flugelhorns and ...
PDF: Hymnus - Hymn
Brautchor aus Lohengrin - Lohengrin Bridal Chorus
One of the most beautiful classic melodies that belongs to ...
PDF: Brautchor aus Lohengrin - Lohengrin Bridal Chorus
Làrlesienne Suite Nr. 2 - Minuet
Very beautiful suite. Begins with a flute and harp solo. ...
PDF: Làrlesienne Suite Nr. 2 - Minuet
Anda-Weis - Übers Loatal - Anda Aria - Above the Loatal Valley
The Anda Tune was dedicated to the trumpeter of the Vienna ...
PDF: Anda-Weis - Übers Loatal - Anda Aria - Above the Loatal Valley
Feuerwerksmusik - La Réjouissance
For the English king, Georg Friedrich Händel wrote numerous ...
PDF: Feuerwerksmusik - La Réjouissance
Halleluja aus Der Messias - Hallelujah from Messiah
After its premiere in Dublin in 1742, "Messiah" by George ...
PDF: Halleluja aus Der Messias - Hallelujah from Messiah
Streik der Studenten - Strike of the students
Contemporary music. Was composed with the 12 tone technique
PDF: Streik der Studenten - Strike of the students
Ave Maria (Hail Mary)
No organ at hand? In this arrangement, the trumpet is ...
PDF: Ave Maria (Hail Mary)
Deutsche Messe - Mass No. 2 in G major, German Mass
Mass No. 2 in G major (German Mass) by Franz Schubert, ...
PDF: Deutsche Messe - Mass No. 2 in G major, German Mass